Project Wizard

This project wizard page contains the settings that are required to download the server configuration files from your Web server. If you need to adjust these settings later, they can be found on the TrueUpdate Servers tab of the Project Settings dialog, found by choosing Project > TrueUpdate Servers... from the program menu.

TrueUpdate Server (HTTP)

Folder URL:

The URL containing the directory where the server configuration files will be hosted (e.g. "").

Note: The protocol designator is optional, e.g. "" and "" are equally valid.


The connection timeout (in seconds) for communication between the TrueUpdate client and this HTTP site.

Note: Timeout values are interpreted in multiple ways during client server communication. As a result the actual timeout used by the connection may differ from the value specified.


The port to connect to on the HTTP server. The standard HTTP port 80 is used by default.


This section allows you to specify a user name and password if the URL is protected by basic HTTP authentication.

Use authentication:

Include basic HTTP authentication information in the HTTP request.


The user name to use during authentication.


The password to use during authentication.


Go back to the Download Method page.


Proceed to the next project wizard page, Server Files Prefix.


Exit the project wizard. Exiting the project wizard means that all information that has been entered in the wizard will be lost and a blank project will be created.