Project Wizard

When an update is created through TrueUpdate, there are three server configuration files that are generated, *.ts1, *.ts2 and *.ts3. This page allows you configure the name that will be given to these three server files. If you need to change this setting later, it can be found on the Output tab of the Build Settings dialog, which can be accessed by choosing Publish > Settings... from the program menu.

Server Files Prefix

Server files prefix:

The prefix that will be used for all of the server configuration files that are generated during the build process. For example, if the name is myproduct, the files generated will be myproduct.ts1, myproduct.ts2 and myproduct.ts3. The recommended format is all lowercase alphabetic characters containing no spaces.


Go to the previous project wizard page.


Proceed to the next project wizard page, Upload Method.


Exit the project wizard. Exiting the project wizard means that all information that has been entered in the wizard will be lost and a blank project will be created.