Project Wizard

TrueUpdate has the flexibility to use one of several different types of interfaces for the update. Whether you prefer a full wizard screen, a minimalist dialog approach, or a silent update with no visual interface at all, TrueUpdate can handle each situation with ease.

Interface Type

Wizard style

Use a full wizard style interface for the update. A wizard style interface consists of TrueUpdate screens.

Dialog style

Use dialogs for the interface of the update.


Don't show any user interface while the update is running.

Don't show any interface unless an update is available

Only show an interface if an update is available.


Go back to the General Information page.


The next project wizard page is based on the interface type selected. It will be one of the following pages:

Multilingual Settings


Exit the project wizard. Exiting the project wizard means that all information that has been entered in the wizard will be lost and a blank project will be created.