Select Packages Screen

The Select Packages screen's properties dialog contains the following four tabs of properties you can set:




The instruction text you want to appear in the body of the screen above the package tree.

Show total size

Automatically calculate and display the amount of disk space the installation requires along with a text description.

Note: By default the text used is "Space required by setup: %SpaceRequired%". The session variable %SpaceRequired% is a custom session variable on this screen where the required space value is stored.

Show package descriptions

Show the package descriptions for each package that is selected at runtime. The description text will appear in the area to the right of the package tree.

Select Packages


A tree structure consisting of categories and packages. A category is a selectable group of packages that when chosen, selects all of the contents within it. Categories can contain packages as well as other categories.

Add ( )

Open the Category Properties dialog where you can create a new package category.

Remove ( )

Remove the selected category or package from the package tree.

Edit ( )

Open the Category Properties dialog if a category is currently selected, or the Package Properties dialog if a package is currently selected, where you can edit their properties.

Up ( )

Move the selected category or package up one position in the package tree.

Down ( )

Move the selected category or package down one position in the package tree.

Right ( )

Move the selected category or package right one position in the package tree. This means that the selected item will be moved down one position in the tree structure.

Left ( )

Move the selected category or package left one position in the package tree. This means that the selected item will be moved up one position in the tree structure.


A list of all the current packages defined in the setup, defined by their package IDs.

Add Package ( )

Add the selected package to the package tree.

Remove Package ( )

Remove the selected package from the package tree.



The supported language you want to translate the screen text for. You can click the select button ( ) to select a different language currently supported in your setup.

Note: You can add additional language support from the Languages dialog which can be accessed by going to Project > Languages...


Tip: You can see how the screen will look at runtime by clicking the Preview button.


The screen's attributes tab contains generic settings such as its design-time name, window title, banner style and text and various button settings. The details of this tab's contents are explained in the Screen Attributes topic.



The Style tab is used to customize the screen's appearance beyond the global project theme.

Override project theme

Override the global project theme in order to customize the appearance of the current screen. These settings are the same as the Theme Properties dialog, except they only affect the current screen.

Note: Unchecking this option after changes have been made will restore the default theme settings. Any changes made to these settings will be lost.

Tip: If you are editing a screen and you have the Override project theme selected, you can right click on the screen preview and select "Save as Theme..." to save the created theme.



The Actions tab contains the action editor dialog where you can add actions or scripts to each event supported by the screen.

Note: Some events will already contain action script and should not be modified unless you want to customize the default behavior of the screen.

The Select Packages screen contains the following screen events:

Tip: You can use the On Ctrl Message event to detect and respond to user interaction. See the Advanced topic for the list of control IDs and string IDs that are available on this screen.

Tip: you can determine which category has been selected using the DlgSelectPackages.GetCategoryProperties action. You can also determine the states of individual packages using the SetupData.GetPackageProperties action.

Tip: You can click on one of the event names above for a full description.