Multiple File Properties


Compress file

Compress all selected files when they are added to the setup executable. Each file's compression setting is based on the state of this tri-state check box.

Turning off compression will decrease the time it takes to install the file, but will result in a larger setup. You may want to turn the compression off if you are distributing your setup on CD-ROM or over a Network where the size is not restricted or if the file is already compressed and you know that you will not be able to get much more compression out of it.

If your installer is being distributed on a very slow medium, such as Zip disks, it may actually be faster to leave compression on, because reading the extra data saved by compression would take more time than it does to decompress it.

Note: The Compress file option is not available for files on the External tab.

Suppress "In-Use" notice

Suppress a warning if each file is in use during installation and needs to be overwritten. Each file's suppress setting is based on the state of this tri-state check box. If a file is in use, the built-in global variable _NeedsReboot will automatically be set to true to notify the setup that a reboot needs to take place.

If unchecked, a message will appear to warn the user if the file is in use and will ask them to shut down any running programs.

Use failsafe copy method

Extract each file to a temporary location, and then copy it to its final destination. This setting for each file is based on the state of this tri-state check box. This feature helps prevent the file from being corrupted if the install is aborted or if the user's system crashes midway through installing the file.

Note: This feature adds extra time to your installation, and will also increase the amount of temporary disk space required on the user's system during the installation. You should only use this feature for mission critical files, such as system files.

Create backup

Create a backup of the existing file (if present), before overwriting it during the installation for each of the selected files. This setting for each file is based on the state of this tri-state check box. The existing file will be renamed to filename.bak. If filename.bak already exists, it will be named filename.bk1, or filename.bk2, etc. The new file will only be installed after the existing one has been backed up.

Tip: By default, each backed up file is created in the same directory as the target file. However there is a global variable called _BackupFolder that can be set as the backup directory for all files with this option enabled.

Note: Setup Factory does not restore backed up files during the uninstall, however the framework is available if you wish to perform this type of restoration. The full path and filename to each backed up file is stored with the information of the file being installed in the uninstall and can be accessed using the UninstallData.GetItem action.

Disable CRC check

Do not perform the usual CRC value integrity check on each file during installation. This setting for each file is based on the state of this tri-state check box. In general, you should not turn this option on. The CRC checking that is performed during setup is meant to ensure that your files are properly and completely installed and are not corrupted.

The only reason to turn this option on is if the file that you are installing will change from CD-ROM to CD-ROM and you do not want to re-build the setup each time the file changes. An example of such a file would be a customized data file that changes for each of your customers.


This section allows you to specify the attributes of the selected files when they're installed on the user’s system. By default, the Use original option will be selected. This will ensure that the file's attributes will be the same on the user’s system as on yours.

Note: Changing the file attributes in this section dos not affect the files on your development system. The attributes are only applied to the files when they're installed.

Use original

Preserve the attributes of the source file when the file is installed. If unchecked, you must specify the attributes for the installed file. This setting for each file is based on the state of this tri-state check box.


Set the read-only file attributes for the selected files when installed. This setting for each file is based on the state of this tri-state check box.


Set the archive file attributes for the selected files when installed. This setting for each file is based on the state of this tri-state check box.


Set the hidden file attributes for the selected files when installed. This setting for each file is based on the state of this tri-state check box.


Set the system file attributes for the selected files when installed. This setting for each file is based on the state of this tri-state check box.


Install order

The install order state in which the files are installed onto the user's system. Install order defaults to 1000. Files with lower install order values are installed first. This option is useful if certain files need to be installed and registered before others in your install archive.

You can click the edit button ( ) to open the Edit Multiple Install Order Values dialog where you can edit this property for all selected files.

Note: Archive files are always installed before External files in the install sequence. This install order value only applies to the files on the current tab.


Never remove

Do not remove these files during the uninstall process. This setting for each file is based on the state of this tri-state check box.

Shared/System file

Update the usage count for all selected files during installation and uninstallation. This feature should only be used for files that are shared by multiple programs, such as system files. This setting for each file is based on the state of this tri-state check box.


Register COM interfaces

Try to register all selected files if they are COM Interface files. Each file's registration is based on the state of this tri-state check box. This will only work for controls that properly support the DLLRegisterServer interface. This option should properly register ActiveX controls (OCX) and other OLE inproc servers.

You can use the Test button to the right of this checkbox to test the current file and see whether it supports DLLRegisterServer.

Note: The Test button is not available when multiple files are selected.

Tip: By default if the registration fails, an error dialog is shown (if the install is not running in silent mode). If an error occurs, the function g_OnRegisterFileFailed is called. If you would like to suppress this error message or change the way Setup Factory handles this situation, you can modify this function defined in the file _SUF70_Global_Functions.lua located in the Includes\Scripts folder of the main Setup Factory 9 folder. The preferred method is to redefine the function in your project by copying and pasting it into the Resources > Global Functions and then making the desired modifications.

Register TypeLib

Try to register all selected files if they are TypeLib files. Each file's registration is based on the state of this tri-state check box.


Register as TrueType font

Try to automatically register and implement all selected files as a TrueType fonts during installation. This means that the font will be registered with the operating system and will be made available to the user. In order for this to work, the file must be a valid Windows .TTF file. Each file's registration is based on the state of this tri-state check box.

Font name:

This field and the Auto-Name button are disabled when multiple files are selected.