Tri-State Check Box

Tri-state check boxes are used in Setup Factory when editing the properties of multiple items at once, such as the properties of a file or folder reference. Each state represents a specific action that will be taken on the property for all of the items it is applied to.

As its name implies, a tri-state check box contains three distinct states. These three states are as follows:

Checked ( )

When the check box is checked, this means that the current property is being selected for all of the selected items, overriding all previous settings for this property.

Unchecked ( )

When the check box is unchecked, this means that the current property is being removed for all of the selected items, overriding all previous settings for this property.

Indeterminate ( )

When the check box is in the indeterminate state, this means that the current property for the selected files are a mixture of checked and unchecked values and their current states should be preserved.