Program Menus


Shows or hides the available toolbars.


Shows or hides the standard program toolbar.


Shows or hides the Edit toolbar.


Shows or hides the Files toolbar.


Shows or hides the Project toolbar.


Shows or hides the Script toolbar.


Shows or hides the Publish toolbar.


Shows or hides the View toolbar.


Shows or hides the Tools toolbar.


Shows or hides the Help toolbar.

Script Help

Shows or hides the Script Help toolbar. This toolbar contains a field that shows the action definition of the action that your cursor is currently located on in the code window.


Opens the Customize dialog where you can create custom toolbars, shortcut keys or link to external programs.

Status Bar

Shows or hides the status bar at the bottom of the TrueUpdate main screen.

Client Screens

Shows or hides the Client Screens panel containing all of the client screen lists and screens in your project.

Server Screens

Shows or hides the Server Screens panel containing all of the server screen lists and screens in your project.

Screen Preview

Shows or hides the Screen Preview panel. The Screen Preview panel shows a preview of the currently selected screen in the Screens panel.


Shows or hides the Help panel. The Help panel is a docking panel containing the Command Reference.


Shows or hides the Messages panel. The messages panel contains information such as the build log or any other project output.

Previous Script

Selects the previous script tab. Script tabs are organized in sequential order starting from left to right, so the script tab on the left of the current script tab will be selected. You can also access this menu item using Shift+F6.

Next Script

Selects the next script tab. Script tabs are organized in sequential order starting from left to right, so the script tab on the right of the current script tab will be selected. You can also access this menu item using F6.