Program Menus

Action Wizard...

Opens the action wizard where you can add new actions to the code window. You can also access this menu item using Ctrl+W.

Edit Action...

Edit the action's properties after it has been added to the code window. When the cursor is on an action in the code window, the Edit menu option will open its properties dialog where you can modify its settings. You can also access this menu item using Ctrl+E.

Quick Scripts

A menu containing a variety of code templates you can add to the code window. You can find further information on code structures in the Scripting Guide.



Opens the Insert Variable dialog where you can insert Design-time Constants, built-in Session Variables or Global Variables into your project at the current cursor location. You can also access this menu item using Ctrl+B.

File Path...

Opens a file browse dialog where you can select a file from your system whose full path you want to insert. You can also access this menu item using Ctrl+I.

Folder Path...

Opens a folder browse dialog where you can select a folder from your system whose path you want to insert. You can also access this menu item using Ctrl+D.


Add a new custom script tab to your project.


Remove the currently selected custom script tab from your project.

Note: You can only remove custom scripts. You cannot remove the  Client Script or Server Script tabs.


Rename the currently selected custom script tab.

Note: You can only rename custom scripts. You cannot rename the  Client Script or Server Script tabs.


Makes a duplicate copy of the selected script tab and its contents, and adds it to your project. After the script tab has been duplicated and added to your project, you can rename it using the Rename... option on this menu.


Opens the Organize Scripts dialog where you can change the visible order of your custom script tabs in the design environment.

Note: You must have at least two custom script tabs in order to use this feature.