

A tree view list of packages currently added to the install.

Show files

Show all files that are currently a part of each package. Each file reference will look something like "(Archive) %AppFolder%\MyFile.txt". If unchecked, all file information will be hidden.

Show infotips

Show quick reference tooltips in the packages list. These tooltips display immediate information when you mouse over contents in the packages list. The tooltip for files include the filename, source path and destination path. The tooltip for packages include the majority of the packages' properties.


Opens the Package Properties dialog where you can create a new package.


Removes the currently selected package from your setup.


Opens the Package Properties dialog where you can edit the properties of the currently selected package.


Creates a duplicate copy of the selected package, renaming it with the prefix "Copy of..."


Export Language

Expands to a menu containing all languages in the project available for exporting the package strings. Clicking on a language will open a Save As dialog so you can choose the path that the selected language will be exported to. A dialog message will notify you of success or failure.

Import Language...

Open a file browse dialog so you can select a package's language XML file that you want to import into the currently selected package. A dialog message will notify you of success or failure.