Build Settings

Build configuration:

The build configuration you want to use when generating your final installation. The dropdown contains all of the current build configurations. A build configuration contains all previously saved information on the Setup File, Constants, Code Signing, Resources, and Pre/Post Build tabs. Beyond the information on the build settings dialog, build configurations also include dependency modules, primer files, script files, plugins, serial number lists, file lists, and folder reference lists.

Add ( )

Opens the New Build Configuration dialog where you can create a new build configuration in your project.

Remove ( )

Removes the current build configuration from your project.

Note: There must be at least one build configuration in your project.

Rename ( )

Renames the current build configuration.


A list of all of the custom design-time constants available across all build configurations and their data values in the current build configuration.

Design-time constants are similar to variables, but instead of being converted to values at run time, design-time constants get converted at build time. We call them design-time constants because the names you give them only exist at design time. At build time, the name of each design-time constant is replaced by the value that was assigned to it.

Note: Design-time constants can be in any format you like. One recognizable format is the variable name in capitals surround by "#" characters. For example, #MYVAR#. However if you plan to use these design-time constants in action script, the names may be caught by the automatic syntax checker if certain characters are used that are part of the Lua language (such as "#"). In this case, it is best to use an alternate format such as _MYVAR.

Tip: There are also a number of built-in design-time constants that are available.


Add a new design-time constant to all build configurations and define it's value in the current build configuration.


Remove the selected design-time constant from all build configurations.


Rename the selected design-time constant.

Note: This will only rename the constant on the build settings dialog. If you've previously referenced the current constant in your project, you must manually change those values to the new name.