Web Object

Here are the object's settings as they appear on the "double-click" Properties dialog.

There are three tabs on the Properties dialog:




Settings Tab



The URL (or full path and filename) of the initial web page to display. This can be an HTML file, or any other type of file that can be viewed in Internet Explorer. Click the browse button to select a file.


Show border

Show a border around the object.

Show scrollbars

Show horizontal and vertical scrollbars.

Attributes Tab


Object name:

The name that is used to identify this object.



Enable the object so it responds to user interaction. When an object is disabled, it will not respond to any mouse overs or clicks and will not perform any actions until it is enabled.

Note: You can use the Web.SetEnabled action to enable this object.


Set the object's initial visibility (whether it's visible when the page or dialog is displayed). You can use the Web.SetVisible action to make the object visible or invisible at run time.

Note: This option simply controls the initial visibility of the object. The object will continue to respond to actions even though it is hidden.



If checked, the left side of the object will move when the application is resized. If unchecked, the left side of the object will not move.


If checked, the right side of the object will move when the application is resized. If unchecked, the right side of the object will not move.


If checked, the top of the object will move when the application is resized. If unchecked, the top of the object will not move.


If checked, the bottom of the object will move when the application is resized. If unchecked, the bottom of the object will not move.



The distance in pixels from the left edge of the object to the left edge of the page or dialog.

Tip: You can also change the position of an object by dragging it.


The distance in pixels from the top edge of the object to the top edge of the page or dialog.


The width of the object in pixels.

Tip: You can also resize an object by dragging one of the resize handles on its bounding box.


The height of the object in pixels.

Restore Original

Set's the object's size back to the original values.

Script Tab

You can use the script editor on this tab to edit the script of actions that will be performed on each of this object's events.

This object supports the following events:

On Navigate

The actions that will be performed whenever the URL changes (when it starts to navigate to a new page) in the web object.

The following event variables are automatically set whenever this event is triggered:


(string) A string containing the URL that is being navigated to.

On Loaded

The actions that will be performed whenever the URL being navigated to has finished loading.

The following event variables are automatically set whenever this event is triggered:


(string) A string containing the URL that has finished loading.