
table Application.GetDialogs (


Example 1

all_dialogs = Application.GetDialogs();

Gets the names of all of the dialogs in the application and stores them in a table called "all_dialogs."

Example 2

-- Get the names of all of the dialogs in the application.
dialogs = Application.GetDialogs();

-- Create a string containing all of the dialog names.
dialog_string = "";
for index, dialogname in pairs(dialogs) do
    dialog_string = String.Concat(dialog_string, dialogname.."\r\n");

-- Display a dialog message with all of the dialog names.
result = Dialog.Message("Application Dialogs", "This application consists of the following dialogs: \r\n"..dialog_string);

Gets the names of all of the dialogs in the application and stores them in a table called "dialogs." Each dialog name from the table is accessed to create a string containing all of the dialogs. The string is then shown in a Dialog.Message action.

Tip: Instead of the "for" loop, the concatenation of the table elements could be accomplished using a Table.Concat action.

See also:  Related Actions