
string Table.Concat ( 

table   SourceTable,

string  Separator,

number  Start = 1,

number  End = TABLE_ALL )


Returns a string containing some or all of the values in a table. The values will be separated by the delimiter of your choice.



(table) The table whose values you want to concatenate.


(string) The delimiter to use to separate the table values.


(number) The index of the first item in the table that you want to concatenate. The default for this parameter is 1.


(number) The index of the last item in the table that you want to concatenate. The constant TABLE_ALL or -1 can be used to specify the last index in the table. TABLE_ALL is useful when you want to concatenate the entire table contents.


(string) A string containing the table values, separated by the delimiter you chose. If an error occurs, a blank string "" is returned. You can use Application.GetLastError to determine whether this action failed, and why.


When adding an action with the script editor, you can use this field to specify a variable that the return value will be stored in.

See also:  Related Actions