
boolean System.IsKeyDown ( 

number Key )


Determines if a specific key on the keyboard or a specific mouse button is down.



(number) The key or button to check. If the desired key is a letter or digit (A-Z, a-z, or 0-9), this value must be the character's ASCII value. For all other keys (and mouse buttons), this value must be set to the virtual key code.

Tip: In your scripts folder (typically ..\Program Files\AutoPlay Media Studio 6.0\AutoPlay Media Studio 6.0\Gallery\Scripts) there is a pre-made table of virtual key codes (VirtualKeyCodes.lua) that you can include in your project using an Application.LoadScript action.


(boolean) True if the specified key is down, false if it is up.


When adding an action with the script editor, you can use this field to specify a variable that the return value will be stored in.

See also:  Related Actions