Helpful Tips

Comments are just bits of text that are completely ignored by TrueUpdate. You can use comments to add notes to your scripts in order to make them easier to understand.

Note: Because the text will be ignored, you can write anything you want in a comment, and it will have no effect on how your application operates.

In TrueUpdate, anything after two dashes (--) on a line is a comment. You can either put comments on their own line, like this:

-- Assign 10 to variable abc
abc = 10;

...or put them at the end of a line, like this:

abc = 10; -- assign 10 to abc

Both of the above examples do the exact same thing—the comments do not affect the script in any way.

You can also create multi-line comments by putting paired square brackets ([[ and ]]) around the comment text, like this:

--[[ This is
a multi-line
comment ]]
abc = 10;

Note: Comments are displayed in a different color that makes them easy to recognize in the action editor. (The comments are displayed in green by default, but you can change this color in the action editor settings.)

Comments Save You Time and Effort

You should make a habit of adding comments to your scripts as you build them. If adding comments seems like a waste of time, consider how much time you will spend working on these scripts in the future. Complex scripts that make perfect sense to you now might take a few minutes to interpret the next time you need to make changes to a project. A few comments written while things are fresh in your mind can minimize the amount of re-thinking required.

Comments are especially important in a multi-user environment. If it's foreseeable at all that someone else may need to work on your project in the future, do your organization a favor and document your actions well.

Here are some tips for using comments:

Think of comments as investing a little bit of time now to save you a lot of time over the long run. You only have to write a comment once, but you will benefit from the comment many times over. In the long run, well-written comments will save you time, time and time again.

Tip: Use comments. You'll thank us later.