
Double-click opens action's properties dialog

Controls whether or not the action's properties dialog will open when you double-click an action in the script editor window. If unchecked, double-clicking any text in the script editor simply selects the text, as in most other text editors.

Automatic syntax checking

Controls whether or not a check is performed on scripts to make sure they are syntactically correct. It does not check for logical or other programming errors, simply syntax. This check is performed when leaving the current script editor window. If unchecked, no syntax checking is performed.

Confirm cancel when scripts are modified

Controls whether or not a confirmation dialog will appear after you click the Cancel button in the action editor when there are unsaved changes. If unchecked, cancelling will exit the dialog without notice and you will lose any changes that have been made.

Show controls actions in Action Wizard on main scripts

Controls whether or not the controls actions (DlgCheckBox, DlgStaticText, etc.) will appear in the action wizard when called from the main scripts (Client Script, Server Script, additonal server scripts).  If unchecked (default) they can still be used, but will not appear in the action wizard. If checked, the controls will appear in the action wizard. Since these actions can only be used on a screen containing those controls, you would normally only select this option if you plan on writing functions on the main script tabs containing these types of actions.