Build Settings

The Upload tab is where you can configure all of the locations that you want to automatically publish your server configuration files to when you build. There are several options for publishing your server configuration files such as FTP, SFTP or by copying the file. Normally these locations will be the locations that were configured on the TrueUpdate Servers tab of the Project Settings dialog.

Note: If while running your update, you receive error 3624 and you have already confirmed that all of the server configuration files have been properly uploaded, make sure that the *.ts* extensions are part of the MIME types list on the server.

Note: When you publish automatically through TrueUpdate, there is an additional file that is uploaded that the TrueUpdate publisher uses to determine whether or not new copies of each file needs to be uploaded. This prevents unnecessary uploading if certain server configuration files have not changed. This file's name is composed of the server files prefix with a .tsx file extension. This file is only used by the TrueUpdate design environment and is not used at run time.

Automatic upload locations:


The unique names of each upload location currently defined in your project that can be automatically published to. Each list item contains a checkbox next to it showing which upload locations will be published to on the next build. If you do not wish to publish to a particular upload location, you can uncheck the box next to the name.


The upload locations that are currently configured in the project.


The upload methods currently configured for each of the upload locations (eg. Copy, FTP, or SFTP).

Last Upload

The last time each upload location was published to, in the format MM/DD/YYYY Time. If the upload location has never been published to, "Never" will be displayed.


Add a new upload location to the upload locations list. The following upload types are available:


Upload the server configuration files to the upload location using FTP when publishing. This opens the Upload Location (FTP) dialog where you can configure its settings.


Upload the server configuration files to the upload location using SFTP when publishing. SFTP is similar to FTP but transfers data securely over SSH layer using AES, DES, and BLOWFISH encryption. This opens the Upload Location (SFTP) dialog where you can configure its settings.

File Copy

Copy the server configuration files to a LAN/local folder when publishing. This opens the Upload Location (File Copy) dialog where you can browse for the destination folder.


Remove the selected location from the upload locations list.


Edit the properties of the selected upload location. This opens the appropriate Upload Location settings dialog.