
string HTTP.SubmitSecure ( 

string   URL,

table    Values,

number   Method = SUBMITWEB_GET,

number   Timeout = 20,

number   Port = 443,

table    AuthData = nil,

table    ProxyData = nil )

Example 1

myvalues = {Name="Brian", Company="Indigo Rose"};
result = HTTP.SubmitSecure("", myvalues, SUBMITWEB_GET, 20, 443, nil, nil);

The first line of code creates a table called "myvalues" containing two named value pairs. The first index of the table is "Name,"and has the associated value "Brian." The second index is "Company" and it's associated value is "Indigo Rose." The named value pairs in this table are then submitted to the script located at "" using an HTTP.SubmitSecure action.

Example 2

sResult = HTTP.SubmitSecure("", {search="TrueUpdate"}, SUBMITWEB_GET, 20, 443, nil, nil);

This example submits the query "TrueUpdate" to a script found at  The parameter is passed using an inline table, and the results are stored in the variable sResult.

See also:  Related Actions