
table Application.GetUpdateLanguage ( 


Example 1

tUpdateLanguage = Application.GetUpdateLanguage();

Retrieves the primary and secondary update language, and stores this information in a table called "tUpdateLanguage".  This information can be accessed by referencing tUpdateLanguage.Primary and tUpdateLanguage.Secondary.

Example 2

-- Retrieve the update Language
tUpdateLanguage = Application.GetUpdateLanguage();

-- Check if the update language is english (English = 9)
if tUpdateLanguage.Primary == 9 then
    -- Update language is english
    Dialog.Message("Update Language", "Your update language is English!");
    -- Update language is not english
    Dialog.Message("Update Language", "Your update language is not English!");

Retrieves the update language, compares the primary ID to the value representing English (9), and displays an appropriate message.

See also:  Related Actions