The full path to the folder where Setup Factory will store any temporary build files that it needs to generate during the build process. (Set to your Temp folder by default.) Click the browse button to select a new folder.
The full path to the folder where Setup Factory will store the file(s) generated during the build process.
The full path to the location where Setup Factory will store its preferences files.
The full path to the default location where Setup Factory will store any project files which are saved.
A list of folder paths that you want Setup Factory to parse looking for additional project themes beyond the ones in the Themes folder of the program. For example, C:\MyProjectThemes and Z:\SUFThemes. This allows you to store themes on a network drive that can be shared between products and developers. You can use the New, Delete and Up/Down arrows to manipulate the folder list.
If Setup Factory encounters a theme with a name that already exists when reading in the available themes, it will use the last read theme. For example, if a custom theme in a different directory has the same name as a theme located in the product themes folder, the custom theme will override the one in the themes folder.
To store a theme in a different location, first save it to the program's Themes folder and then copy the created theme folder to an external location.