The following error codes may be generated during the build process:
"Build cancelled."
"Invalid internal pointer."
"Failed to load global include file: <<filename>>."
"Could not locate constants file:<<filename>>."
"Output folder does not exist and cannot be created."
"Setup file name cannot be empty."
"Setup file name must be at least 5 characters."
"Setup file name must have the .exe file extension."
"Could not find unattended build constants file: <<filename>>"
"Could not read build constants file: <<filename>>."
"Run before build program <<filename>> does not exist."
"Run after build program <<filename>> does not exist."
"There are no language files included in the project."
"Primer file not found: <<filename>>."
"File missing: <<filename>>."
"File missing: <<filename>>."
"Image file not found (screen: <<screen name>>) <<image name>>."
"Background image was not found: <<image name>>."
"Error saving converted image: <<image name>>."
"There is no default language specified for the project."
"Default language <<language name>> does not have a messages file specified."
"Failed to read default messages file: <<message filename>>."
"File copy failed (<<filename>>): <<source>> -> <<destination>>."
"File compression failed."
"Failed to open config file for writing: <<config filename>>."
"Failed to open setup archive for writing: <<archive filename>>."
"Failed to launcher file to archive header: <<launcher filename>>."
"Could not add the data marker to the archive header."
"Error adding file number token to archive header."
"Error adding setup engine to archive header: <<setup engine filename>>."
"Error adding config file to archive header: <<config filename>>."
"Error adding image file to archive header: <<image filename>>."
"Error adding primer file to archive header: <<primer filename>>."
"Error adding file to archive: <<source filename>> (<<archive filename>>)."
"Failed to determine size of archive."
"Failed to determine size of files archive."
"Failed writing setup size to archive prior to code signing (<<system_error_code>>)."
"Error adding icon file to archive header: <<icon filename>>."
"Invalid output folder: <<output folder path>>."
"Failed to create output folder: <<output folder path>>."
"Could not open archive file: <<archive filename>>."
"Could not determine amount of free space on drive: <<drive letter>>."
"Invalid output drive <<drive letter>>."
"There is not enough free space on the non-removable drive: <<drive letter>> Required: <<size>> bytes - Available: <<size>> bytes."
"An error has occurred creating the disk set: "
"Could not determine free disk space."
"Not enough free space on disk for your chosen segment size."
"Could not open temporary archive."
"Could not open output file."
"Memory allocation error."
"Error writing to disk - Bad disk?"
"Build abort by user request."
"General read/write error."
"Could not open compressed file for reading: <<filename>>."
"Could not seek in compressed file: <<filename>>."
"Failed to read compressed file: <<filename>>."
"Could not write to archive file: <<filename>>."
"Error: Plugin <<plugin name>> is not licensed for re-distribution."
"Error: Plugin <<plugin name>> is not available."
"Error: <<plugin name>> plugin platform is not compatible with output platform."
"Script Error: <<location>> Line <<line number>> "Error Detail: <<error message>> in <<line in code>>."
"Failed to resource stamp setup runtime."
"Failed to update setup resources - operation not supported on build operating system."
"Error UPX executable not found."
"Error UPX compression failed."
"Code sign tool executable does not exist: <<file path>>."
"Code signing certificate file does not exist: <<file path>>."
"Code sign private key file does not exist: <<file path>>."
"Code sign output file does not exist: <<file path>>."
"Execute program error executing code signing tool."
"Screen <<screen name>> uses top banner style but no image file specified."
"Screen <<screen name>> uses side banner style but no image file specified."
"Screen <<screen name>> uses banner style "none" but no image file specified."
"Custom output file segment size smaller than space needed for primer file(s) and setup executable. Output file segment size has been increased to: <<size>>."
"Memory allocation error. Scaling back dictionary size from: <<size>> to <<new size>>."
"Failed writing setup size to archive prior to code signing (<<system_error_code>>) attempt <<attempt_number>> retrying."
"Warning: Screen <<screen name>> uses a scrolling text control with the 'load from file' option enabled but the file does not exist: <<file path>>".
"Warning: Runtime module file: <<file path>> already in file list - leaving existing file."
"Writing manifest to executable only supported on Windows 2000 and greater. Manifest will not be updated."
Note: See Requested User Privilege Level for more information on install manifests.
"Failed to write permissions manifest to setup."
Note: See Requested User Privilege Level for more information on install manifests.
"Warning: Resource Stamping Skipped - operation not supported on build operating system."
"Warning: Failed to resource stamp setup runtime. (<<error code>>) <<error message>>."
"File Skipped - Folder reference source file already exists in file list: <<file path>>."
"Warning: This setup has no operating systems selected on the Requirements tab of Project Settings."