XML.InsertXML ( 

string XMLPath,

string Text,

number InsertionMode )

Example 1

-- This example assumes the sample XML is already loaded into memory.

-- we'll use the debug window to show what's happening

-- get the raw XML for the first customer's address_info and display it in the debug window
strAddress = XML.GetElementXML("database/customer/address_info");

-- insert a planet element right after the country element
Debug.Print("Inserting planet...\r\n");

XML.InsertXML("database/customer/address_info/country", "<planet>Earth</planet>", XML.INSERT_AFTER);

-- check for errors
error = Application.GetLastError();
-- If an error occurred, display the error message.
if (error == 0) then
    Debug.Print("Planet inserted.\r\n\r\n");
    Debug.Print("Error: ".. _tblErrorMessages[error] .. "\r\n");

-- get the raw XML again and display it in the debug window to show what has changed
strAddress = XML.GetElementXML("database/customer/address_info");

Gets the raw XML for the first customer's address_info, inserts some new information in it and then gets the raw XML again to show the changes. All output is shown in the debug window.

See also:  Related Actions