
string XML.GetElementXML ( 

string XMLPath )

Example 1

-- This example assumes the sample XML is already loaded into memory.

-- get the raw XML text of the 2nd customer element
strCustomerXML = XML.GetElementXML("database/customer:2");

error = Application.GetLastError();
if (error ~= XML.OK) then
    Dialog.Message("Error", _tblErrorMessages[error]);

-- get the customer's name from the XML
strCustomerName = XML.GetValue("database/customer:2/first_name") ..

-- save the customer record as a separate XML document in C:\customer_records
TextFile.WriteFromString( "C:\\customer_records\\"..strCustomerName..".xml"
                        , strCustomerXML
                        , false );

Gets the customer's name from the XML and then saves the customer record as a separate XML document.

See also:  Related Actions