
string Table.Concat ( 

table   SourceTable,

string  Separator,

number  Start = 1,

number  End = TABLE_ALL )

Example 1

target_table = {"John","Mary","George","Sally"};    --Creates a table whose values are 4 strings.
table_values = Table.Concat(target_table, ";;", 2, 3);

Creates a string by concatenating target_table's values starting at position 2 and ending at position 3. In this example the string "Mary;;George" will be created and stored in the variable "table_values."

Example 2

target_table = {"John","Mary","George","Sally"};    --Creates a table whose values are 4 strings.
table_values = Table.Concat(target_table, ";;", 1, TABLE_ALL);

Creates a string by concatenating all of target_table's values. In this example the string "John;;Mary;;George;;Sally" will be created and stored in the variable "table_values."

See also:  Related Actions