
string String.MakePath ( 

table  PathParts )

Example 1

Debug.ShowWindow(true);     --Shows the debug window.
path_parts = {Drive="C:",Folder="\\MyFolder1\\MyFolder2\\",Filename="myfile",Extension=".exe"};
result_path = String.MakePath(path_parts);

In this example, a table called "path_parts" is first created containing each part of a path. The String.MakePath action is then used to create a path string based upon the elements of the table and then printed to the debug window. The created string would look like this:


Example 2

Debug.ShowWindow(true);     --Shows the debug window.
path_parts = {Drive="C:",Folder="\\",Filename="myfile",Extension=".exe"};
result_path = String.MakePath(path_parts);

This example is the same as example 1, however the Folder element only contains the required backslash. The debug window output would look like this:


Note: A backslash must be added to the Folder value, even if no folders are present in the path.

See also:  Related Actions