
string INIFile.GetValue ( 

string Filename,

string Section,

string Value )

Example 1

value_data = INIFile.GetValue(_SourceFolder .. "\\images.ini", "Water", "Ocean");

Gets the data found in the "Ocean" value located in the "Water" section of the INI file named "images.ini" and stores the result in a variable called "value_data."

Note: _SourceFolder is a built-in variable that contains the path to the folder where the setup.exe file is located.

Example 2

-- Get the value data from an INI file.
full_name = INIFile.GetValue("C:\\Data.ini", "PERSONAL", "Name");

-- Check to see if any errors occurred while calling the action.
error = Application.GetLastError();

-- If an error occurred, display it's error message.
if (error ~=0) then
    Dialog.Message("Error", _tblErrorMessages[error], MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
    -- If the value was not found, notify the user. If it was, use it in a welcome message.
    if (full_name == "") then
        Dialog.Message("Notice", "You personal information has not been entered yet.", MB_OK, MB_ICONINFORMATION);
        Dialog.Message("Hello", "Welcome "..full_name.."!", MB_OK, MB_ICONINFORMATION);

Retrieves the data found in the "Name" value of the "PERSONAL" section in an INI file. If that value is found, it is used in a welcome dialog. If the value is not found, the user is notified that their information has not yet been saved.

See also:  Related Actions