
table HTTP.GetConnectionState ( 


Example 1

tConnectedState = HTTP.GetConnectionState();

Gets the connection state, and store it in table 'tConnectedState'.

Example 2

-- Used to generate 100 spaces. This allows lining up of boolean values later
function AddSpaces()
    strReturn = ""
    for nCount = 1, 100 do
        strReturn = strReturn .. " ";
    return strReturn;

-- converts boolean value to string (true = True, false = False)
function BoolToString(Value)
    if type (Value) == "boolean" then
        if Value then return "True" else return "False" end;
        return Value;

-- Get the current connection state
tConnectionState = HTTP.GetConnectionState();

-- Initialize string used to store the broken-down details
strStateDetails = "";

-- traverse through tConnectionState, fill in string strStateDetails
for sIndex, vDetails in pairs(tConnectionState) do
    strStateDetails = strStateDetails .. String.Mid(sIndex..": ".. AddSpaces(),1, 30).. " " .. BoolToString(vDetails) .. "\r\n";

-- Output to user
Dialog.Message("Connection State Results", strStateDetails);

Tests the connection state and outputs the results to the user.

See also:  Related Actions