
table Folder.Find ( 

string   StartFolder,

string   Folder,

boolean  Recurse = false,

function CallbackFunction = nil )

Example 1

ImageFolders = Folder.Find( _SourceFolder, "*Images*", true, ShowSearchProgress);

Searches for all folders inside the folder that the installation is running, that contain "Images" in the name, and stores their paths in a table called ImageFolders. Since Recurse is true, the action will search inside subfolders. The function named ShowSearchProgress will be called whenever progress is made in the search operation.

Example 2

found = Folder.Find( Shell.GetFolder(SHF_MYDOCUMENTS),"Plant Data", false);
if (found) then
    Dialog.Message("Found one!", "The first folder found was:" .. found[1]);

Searches for any folders inside the root of the user's My Documents folder that are named "Plant Data", and stores their paths in a table named "found." Then, the example tests that table to see if there were any folders stored in it (if there weren't, it would have been set to nil by the Folder.Find action), and if there are, puts up a message dialog to show the path to the first folder that was found.

See also:  Related Actions