
boolean File.IsInUse ( 

string Filename )

Example 1

are_ya_busy = File.IsInUse(_WindowsFolder.."\\targetfile.exe");

Stores true in a variable named "are_ya_busy" if the "targetfile.exe" file is in use in the user's Windows directory.

Note: _WindowsFolder is a built-in variable that contains the path to the user's Windows directory.

Example 2

-- Checks to see if a particular file exists.
are_ya_there = File.DoesExist(_WindowsFolder.."\\targetfile.exe");

-- If the file exists, check to see if the file is in use.
if (are_ya_there) then
    are_ya_busy = File.IsInUse(_WindowsFolder.."\\targetfile.exe");
    -- If the file isn't in use, overwrite the file.
    if (are_ya_busy == false) then
        File.Copy(_TempFolder.."\\targetfile.exe", _WindowsFolder.."\\targetfile.exe", false, true, false, true, nil);

    -- If the file is in use, notify the user.
        result = Dialog.Message("Notice", "The specified file could not be overwritten.", MB_OK, MB_ICONINFORMATION, MB_DEFBUTTON1);

This example first checks to see if a file called "targetfile.exe" exists. If it exists, a check is performed using the File.IsInUse action to determine if the file is in use. If it isn't in use, another file of the same name is copied over it. If it is in use, a dialog message is shown to notify the user.

See also:  Related Actions