
boolean File.DoesExist ( 

string Filename )

Example 1

are_ya_there = File.DoesExist(_WindowsFolder.."\\targetfile.ini");

Stores true in a variable named "are_ya_there" if the "targetfile.ini" file exists in the user's Windows directory.

Note: _WindowsFolder is a built-in variable that contains the path to the user's Windows directory.

Example 2

-- Checks to see if a particular file exists.
are_ya_there = File.DoesExist(_WindowsFolder.."\\targetfile.ini");

-- If the file does not exist, display a message notifying the user.
if are_ya_there == false then
    result = Dialog.Message("Notice", "The specified file does not exist.", MB_OK, MB_ICONINFORMATION, MB_DEFBUTTON1);

Stores true in a variable named "are_ya_there" if the "targetfile.ini" file exists in the user's Windows directory. If the file does not exist, a dialog message is shown to the user.

See also:  Related Actions