
number Drive.GetFreeSpace ( 

string Drive )

Example 1

Free_Space = Drive.GetFreeSpace("C:\\");

Gets the free disk space on the user's "C:\" drive and stores the result in a variable called "Free_Space."

Example 2

how_big = Drive.GetFreeSpace(Read_Drive);

Takes the variable "Read_Drive" that contains a path with a drive letter and stores the free disk space value in how_big.

Example 3

--space required, in megabytes
space_required = 253

--get free space on the user's system (c:\ drive)
space_available = Drive.GetFreeSpace("C:");

-- Determine if an error occurred.
error = Application.GetLastError();

-- If an error occurred, display the error message.
if (error ~= 0) then
    Dialog.Message("Error", _tblErrorMessages[error], MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, MB_DEFBUTTON1);

    --compare free space available to free space required
    if space_required > space_available then
        Dialog.Message("","You are "..(space_required - space_available).." MB short");
        Dialog.Message("","You have "..(space_available - space_required).." MB more than you need");

Determines if the user has enough free space on their system given a space requirement.

Note: The variable space_required must be set by you. 253 is an arbitrary number.

See also:  Related Actions