
number DlgListBox.FindItem ( 

number ControlID,

number StartAfter,

string SearchText )

Example 1

Position = DlgListBox.FindItem(CTRL_LIST_BOX, -1, "Location*");

Searches the entire list box control for any item starting with "Location" and stores the first found location in the variable "Position."

Example 2

--Initialize all variables used
continue = true;
search_start = 1;
all_locations = {};

--Keep searching listbox until told not to
while continue do
    -- search listbox starting at position search_start
    location = DlgListBox.FindItem(CTRL_LIST_BOX, search_start, "*winner*");
    -- if search fails or nothing is found, do not continue
    if location == -1 then
        continue = false;
        -- set next search start position, insert found value in table
search_start = location + 1;
        Table.Insert(all_locations, Table.Count(all_locations) + 1, location);

This example searches the entire list box control for any items which contain "winner" and stores all of their locations in the table "all_locations."

See also:  Related Actions