
string Dialog.PasswordInput ( 

string Title,

string Prompt,

number Icon = MB_ICONNONE )

Example 1

password = Dialog.PasswordInput("Enter Password", "Password:");

Asks the user for a password, and stores their answer in a variable called password.

Example 2

-- the correct password "valid"
real_password = "valid";

-- prompt the user to enter a password
user_password = Dialog.PasswordInput("Password", "Please enter the password: ", MB_ICONQUESTION);

-- compare the user's password to the correct password.
-- If the user supplies the wrong password, exit the program.
if real_password ~= user_password then

This example displays a dialog box requesting a password using the Dialog.PasswordInput action. For this example, the string "valid" is used as the password.  Whatever the user types into this dialog box appears as *******. If the correct password "valid" is entered, the program runs normally. However if any other password is entered, the program will close.

See also:  Related Actions