
string Dialog.Input ( 

string Title,

string Prompt,

string DefaultText = "",

number Icon = MB_ICONQUESTION )

Example 1

full_name = Dialog.Input("Welcome", "Please enter your full name:");

Prompts the user for their full name, and stores their answer in a variable named "full_name."

Example 2

strAnswer = Dialog.Input("Question "..nQuestion, strQuestion, "", MB_ICONQUESTION);

Asks the user the question contained in the variable strQuestion. The concatenation operator (..) is used to include the question number in the dialog's title bar. The user's answer (which they can type into the dialog's input field) is stored in strAnswer when they click OK.

Tip: The "n" and "str" prefixes used for the variables in this example are a naming technique that programmers use to help themselves remember whether a variable contains a number or a string.

Example 3

name = "";
-- Loop until a valid full name is entered or the user cancels.
while (name == "") and (name ~= "CANCEL") do
    -- Prompt the user for their full name
    name = Dialog.Input("Personal Information", "Please enter your full name:", "", MB_ICONQUESTION);
    -- If the user does not enter any text, display an error message. The loop will continue from the beginning
    if name == "" then
        result = Dialog.Message("Error", "Your information could not be processed as entered. Please try again.", MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, MB_DEFBUTTON1);
    -- If the user entered a valid name and didn't cancel, display a welcome message.
    elseif name ~= "CANCEL" then
        result = Dialog.Message("Welcome", "Welcome "..name.."!", MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, MB_DEFBUTTON1);

This example uses a while loop to prompt the user for their full name using a Dialog.Input action. If the user does not enter any text as input, an error message will appear and the input dialog will be displayed again. The loop will only be exited if they enter a name or press the cancel button.

See also:  Related Actions