
string Dialog.ComboBox ( 

string  Title,

string  Prompt,

table   Items,

string  DefaultItem,

boolean SortItems = false,

boolean Editable = false,

number  Icon = MB_ICONQUESTION )

Example 1

-- The combo box items table.
tbItems = {"Apple", "Orange", "Pear"};

-- Show the dialog combo box.
strSelected = Dialog.ComboBox("Select Lunch","Please select the desired fruit:",tbItems,"Apple",false,false,MB_ICONQUESTION);

if ((strSelected ~= "") and (strSelected ~= "CANCEL")) then
    Dialog.Message("Result", "The chosen fruit is "..strSelected);

Prompts the user to select a fruit from a combo box on a dialog, and shows the result in a dialog message if they clicked OK.

See also:  Related Actions