
Crypto.Base64DecodeFromFile ( 

string Source,

string Destination )

Example 1

-- Decodes a base64-encoded text file located in the the user's Temp folder and stores the result as a binary file.
-- The base-64-encoded text file was previously encoded using the Crypto.Base64EncodeToFile action.
Crypto.Base64DecodeFromFile(_TempFolder .."\\myfile_encoded.txt", _TempFolder .."\\myfile_decoded.txt");

-- Check to see if an error occurred in the Crypto.Base64DecodeFromFile action.
-- If an error occurred, display the error message.
error = Application.GetLastError();
if (error ~=0) then
    result = Dialog.Message("Error", _tblErrorMessages[error], MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, MB_DEFBUTTON1);

Decodes a base64-encoded text file located in the user's Temp folder and stores the result as a binary file.

See also:  Related Actions