Theme Properties


Use Custom

Customize the colors used in the current project theme. This includes properties such as its text and background. Select True to customize these settings. You can click the select button ( ) to bring up a color chooser.

Top Banner BG

The background color to use for the top banner.

Top Banner Text

The color to use for the text within the top banner.

Body BG

The background color to use for the screen body.

Body Text

The color to use for the body text.

Footer BG

The background color to use for the footer.

Controls BG

The background color to use for the screen controls.

Controls Text

The color to use for control text.

Controls 3D Face

The face color to use for controls that have a three dimensional appearance such as buttons.

Button Text

The color of button text.

3D Highlight

The color to use to highlight any three dimensional screen property.

3D Light

The light color to use on any three dimensional screen property. This color is normally present beside the highlight color.

3D Shadow

The color to use as the shadow on any three dimensional screen property.

3D Dark Shadow

The color to use as the dark shadow on any three dimensional screen property. This shadow color is normally present beside the shadow.

Controls Disabled Text

The color to use for control text that is disabled.

Progress Bar

The color to use for progress bars.


Use Custom

Customize the fonts used for text in the current project theme. Select True to customize these settings. You can click the edit button ( ) to open the Font dialog where you can edit all of the font settings for the selected text item.

Top Banner Heading

The font setting to use for heading text in a top banner.

Top Banner Subheading

The font setting to use for the subheading text in a top banner.

Body Heading

The font setting to use for the body heading text.

Body Text

The font setting to use for the body text.


The font setting to use for any screen control text.


Top Banner

The full path to the image you want to display if the screen contains a top banner. You can click the edit ( ) button to select an image file. The following image formats are supported in Setup Factory:

*.apm; *.bmp; *.emf; *.jpg; *.pcd; *.pcx; *.png; *.psd; *.tga; *.tif; *.wmf

Note: For optimal performance, 24 bit images should be used. 32 bit images are not supported.

Side Banner

The full path to the image you want to display if the screen contains a side banner. You can click the edit ( ) button to select an image file.

Note: For optimal performance, 24 bit images should be used. 32 bit images are not supported.


The full path to the image you want to display in the body of the screen. This means that this image will cover the entire background of the screen and if any banners are applied, they will be drawn over top of the body image. You can click the edit ( ) button to select an image file.

Note: For optimal performance, 24 bit images should be used. 32 bit images are not supported.

Fill Footer

Extend the body image so that it covers the footer area. The footer area is located at the bottom of each screen and usually contains buttons such as the Back, Next and Cancel buttons. Select True to fill the footer area.



Show a header separator if the screen contains a top banner. The header separator is a line that separates the top banner from the body of the screen. Select True to show a header separator.


Show a footer separator on all screens. The footer separator is a line that separates the body of the screen from the footer area, which contains the standard buttons. Select True to show a footer separator.


The control area offsets control the placement of the controls and text in the body of the screen. Each banner style can contain different control area offsets.

Top Banner

The control area offsets for screens that contain a top banner.


The distance in pixels from the left hand side of the screen that the control area should start.


The distance in pixels from the edge of the top banner image that the control area should start.


The distance in pixels from the right hand side of the screen that the control area should end.


The distance in pixels from the bottom of the screen body (above the footer) that the control area should end.

Side Banner

The control area offsets for screens that contain a side banner.


The distance in pixels from the edge of the side banner image that the control area should start.


The distance in pixels from the top of the screen that the control area should start.


The distance in pixels from the right hand side of the screen that the control area should end.


The distance in pixels from the bottom of the screen body (above the footer) that the control area should end.

No Banner

Configure the control area offsets for screens that contain no banner.


The distance in pixels from the left hand side of the screen that the control area should start.


The distance in pixels from the top of the screen that the control area should start.


The distance in pixels from the right hand side of the screen that the control area should end.


The distance in pixels from the bottom of the screen body (above the footer) that the control area should end.

Banner Text X

The distance in pixels from the left hand side of the screen that the heading text on the top banner should start. This setting only applies if a Top Banner is used.

Banner Text Y

The distance in pixels from the top of the screen that the heading text on the top banner should start. This setting only applies if a Top Banner is used.


An image preview of an example screen given the current theme properties. This theme will be applied to all screens in your project unless it is overridden on a per screen basis using the Override project theme option on the Style tab of each screen's properties.

Preview banner style:

The banner style you want to use in the screen preview.


Show a top banner when previewing a screen.


Show a side banner when previewing a screen.


Don't show any banner when previewing a screen.