
table DlgStaticText.GetProperties ( 

number ControlID )

Example 1

tST_Prop = DlgStaticText.GetProperties(CTRL_STATICTEXT_BODY);

Gets the properties from the 'body' static text control and stores them in the table "tST_Prop".

Example 2

-- function ToString () converts a boolean value (true/false)
-- to a string (True, False).  If the value passed is not
-- of type boolean, the passed value is returned unchanged.
function ToString(Value)
    -- Ensure value is type boolean
    if type (Value) ~= "boolean" then
        -- Value is not type boolean, return unchanged
        return Value;
    elseif Value then
        -- Value is true, return string True
        return "True";
        -- Value is false, return string False
        return "False";

-- Retrieve the properties from Static Text control
tProperties = DlgStaticText.GetProperties(CTRL_STATICTEXT_BODY);

-- Show the Debug Window.

-- For each property in the table, do this
for Property, Value in tProperties do
    -- Output property to debug window
    Debug.Print(Property .. ": " .. ToString(Value) .. "\r\n\r\n");

Gets the properties of the 'body' static text control and outputs it to the debug window.  The function ToString is used to convert any boolean values to strings.  If the function is passed a value that is not boolean, the value is returned unchanged.

See also:  Related Actions