MSI Factory

Unattended Build Options

The following command line options are supported by MSI Factory's design environment for an unattended build process:

Note: The unattended build returns 0 as a process return code if successful, or non-zero if not. You can use this return code to make your batch files respond to the success or failure of the build process.


Tells MSI Factory to build the project file passed in on the cmd line or from a batch file. For example:

"C:\Program Files\MSI Factory\MSI Factory.exe" /BUILD "C:\TestProj.msifact"

/LCID:<<LCID value>>

Specifies the LCID value to be used for the unattended build. If the LCID value matches that of a language included in the project then that language will be used for the unattended build. For example:

"C:\Program Files\MSI Factory\MSI Factory.exe" /BUILD "C:\TestProj.msifact" "/LCID:1033"

/LOG:<<log file path>>

Specifies a log file to output build status to.  If the file exists, the output will be appended to it. If the file does not exist, it will be created. For example:

"C:\Program Files\MSI Factory\MSI Factory.exe" /BUILD "C:\TestProj.msifact" "/LOG:C:\output\Log.txt"


Makes the build status go to the standard output device (console). For example:

"C:\Program Files\MSI Factory\MSI Factory.exe" /BUILD "C:\TestProj.msifact" "/STDOUT"

/VARS:<<ini file path>>

Lets you specify an INI file that contains build variables to override the ones in the project. You can define as many build variables as you want in the INI file, with each variable on a separate line beneath the [Variables] section. Each variable that is defined in the INI file must already be defined in the project file. For example:



OUTPUTDIR=C:\Output\Foobar 2002\Release



When you use the /VARS option along with /BUILD, the specified project file is loaded into MSI Factory, the variables described in the specified unattended-build INI file are set, and the setup is generated-all without any interaction.


For example:

"C:\Program Files\MSI Factory\MSI Factory.exe" /BUILD "C:\TestProj.msifact" "/VARS:C:\MyProj\Config.ini"