Video Object

The video object allows you display a video file (such as an AVI, MPEG, or WMV) on the page. This can be very useful when you want to show training videos, product previews or just cool moving graphics as part of your application without having to use another program to display them. The object contains a built-in skinable control panel for controlling the video and an extensive action set if you require the video's playback to be controlled internally.

The video object is compatible with the following video formats:

.asf, .asx, .wax, .wmv, .wvx, .wmp, .wmx, .avi, .mpg, .mpeg, .m1v, .mpa, .mpe, .mpv2

Video Object Requirements

Windows 95B
Pentium 120 MHz
DirectX 7 or greater
Internet Explorer 4.0 or newer

Note: Due to a limitation in Windows NT 4.0, a video's audio track will only be heard if the AutoPlay Media Studio audio engine is disabled. You can disable the audio engine on Windows NT 4.0 by choosing Project > Settings from the menu, selecting the Advanced tab and checking the Disable Audio Engine option. For further information, see Disable Audio Engine.

Note: Projects that use the video object will only work on a Windows 95B system if it has a newer version of DirectX and Internet Explorer installed.

Note: Requirements may vary according to the needs of your project. For example, a faster system may be required to view large videos at high bitrates, or your project may require a specific version of the Flash player, or the presence of a specific video codec.

Tip: You can add a video object by either dragging a video file onto the page, or choosing Object > Video from the menu.