Input Object

Here are the object's settings as they appear on the "double-click" Properties dialog.

There are three tabs on the Properties dialog:




Settings Tab



The text that you want to display in the input object.

Select Font...

The font that you want to use for the text. Click the Select Font button to open the Font dialog where you can edit all of the font settings.

Check Spelling

Check the spelling of the input text.

Text Color

The color to display user input text. You can click the select button ( )  to bring up a color chooser.



Enable multiple lines of input text in the object. If this option is disabled, the input box will be limited to one line of text.

Vertical Scrollbar

Include a vertical scroll bar for the object.

Horizontal Scrollbar

Include a horizontal scroll bar for the object.

Input Style


Display the input text normally.


Hide any text that the user types by displaying asterisks (****).

Note: The password feature is not available for multi-line input objects (if multiline is enabled).

Input Mask

Use an input mask to control input into the object. Click the Options... button to open the Input Mask Settings dialog where you can configure it's settings.



Border Mode:

The type of border to display around the input object. Choose from:


Don't display any border around the object.


Display a thin black border around the object.


The object will have a "sunken" appearance on the page.

Background Color:

The background color to use for the object. You can click the select button ( ) to bring up a color chooser.

Read Order:

The order the text will display when typed into the object. Choose from:


Display the text normally, from left to right.

Right to Left

If the shell language is Hebrew, Arabic, or another language that supports reading-order alignment, the text is displayed using right-to-left reading-order properties. For other languages, this style is ignored.

Read Only

Make the text in the object read-only so the user cannot type into it. This means the user can copy the text, but cannot modify it.


The alignment to use. Choose from:


Left-align the text within the input object, like so:

This text is left-aligned


Center the text within the input object, like so:

This text is centered


Right-align the text within the input object, like so:

This text is right-aligned

Attributes Tab


Object Name:

The name that is used to identify this object.


Enable the object so it responds to user interaction. When an object is disabled, it will not respond to any mouse overs or clicks and will not perform any actions until it is enabled.

Note: You can use the Input.SetEnabled action to enable this object.


Set the object's initial visibility (whether it's visible when the page is displayed).

Note: You can use the Input.SetVisible action to make the object visible or invisible at run time.



The distance in pixels from the left edge of the object to the left edge of the page.

Tip: You can also change the position of an object by dragging it.


The distance in pixels from the top edge of the object to the top edge of the page.


The width of the object in pixels.

Tip: You can also resize an object by dragging one of the resize handles on its bounding box.


The height of the object in pixels.



A short string of text that will appear after the mouse hovers over this object for a moment.

Check Spelling

Check the spelling of the tooltip text.


Note: This option is not available for input objects.

Actions Tab

You can use the action editor on this tab to edit the script of actions that will be performed on each of this object's events.

This object supports the following events:

On Key

The actions that will be performed whenever the cursor is inside the input object and the user presses a key.

The following event variables are automatically set whenever this event is triggered:


(number) The virtual key code of the key that was pressed.


(table) A table containing three boolean values that describe which modifier keys were held down while the key was pressed. A modifier key is a key that can be held down while another key is pressed, to "modify" it.

There are three true/false values in the table, one for each type of modifier key on the keyboard: shift, ctrl, and alt. You can access these values as e_Modifiers.shift, e_Modifiers.ctrl, and e_Modifiers.alt.

On Focus

The actions that will be performed whenever the input object is given focus. For example, it will be given focus if the user clicks inside the object.