Menu Bar

Show menu bar

If checked, a menu bar will appear at the top of your application.

Note: The window of your published application will be slightly resized to incorporate the menu bar.

Menu Items

A hierarchical tree view of all elements in your menu bar. You can move any element around in this tree view by using the arrow buttons at the bottom of the dialog.

Image List

Use image list

If checked, the specified image list file will be used in the menu bar or the Application.ShowPopupMenu action. If unchecked, no image list file will be used.

Image list

A bitmap image (maximum 32bit supported) that contains 16x16 icons to be used by the menu bar or Application.ShowPopupMenu action as icons for each menu item.

Note: The image used as the image list must be a bitmap image (.bmp).

The following example illustrates a proper image list:

The picture above includes three 16x16 icons. The orange icon (left-most) has an index of 0. The purple icon (middle) has an index of 1. The circle icon (right-most) has an index of 2.

Note: To specify which icon each menu item will display, specify the Image index in each menu item's properties.

Transparent color:

The color that will be transparent in the image list. Click the select button to bring up a color chooser. The color that you click on will be used to represent transparency in the image list.

Tip: Clicking the "More Colors..." button on the color menu allows you to choose either a standard color/custom color, or use the eyedropper to pick a color from somewhere within the AutoPlay application window.

Menu Item Information


Whether or not the selected item is enabled by default.


Whether or not the selected item is checked by default.


The ID assigned to the selected item.


Opens the Menu Item dialog where you can view the selected item's properties.


Adds a new menu item by opening the Menu Item dialog.

Delete Item

Removes the selected item from the tree.

Move Item Up

Moves the selected item up one position in the item tree.

Move Item Down

Moves the selected item down one position in the item tree.

Move Item Left

Moves the selected item left one position in the item tree.

Move Item Right

Moves the selected item right one position in the item tree.