QuickTime Error Codes

The following is a subset of internal error codes that may be returned by the QuickTime ActiveX control. A full list can be found in the QuickTime SDK in the file 'MacErrors.h.'

Error Codes

paramErr = -50, error in user parameter list

noHardwareErr = -200, Sound Manager Error Returns

notEnoughHardwareErr = -201, Sound Manager Error Returns

userCanceledErr = -128,

qErr = -1, queue element not found during deletion

vTypErr = -2, invalid queue element

corErr = -3, core routine number out of range

unimpErr = -4, unimplemented core routine

SlpTypeErr = -5, invalid queue element

seNoDB = -8, no debugger installed to handle debugger command

controlErr = -17, I/O System Errors

statusErr = -18, I/O System Errors

readErr = -19, I/O System Errors

writErr = -20, I/O System Errors

badUnitErr = -21, I/O System Errors

unitEmptyErr = -22, I/O System Errors

openErr = -23, I/O System Errors

closErr = -24, I/O System Errors

dRemovErr = -25, tried to remove an open driver

dInstErr = -26 DrvrInstall couldn't find driver in resources

abortErr = -27, IO call aborted by KillIO

iIOAbortErr = -27, IO abort error (Printing Manager)

notOpenErr = -28, Couldn't rd/wr/ctl/sts cause driver not opened

unitTblFullErr = -29, unit table has no more entries

dceExtErr = -30, dce extension error

slotNumErr = -360, invalid slot # error

gcrOnMFMErr = -400, gcr format on high density media error

dirFulErr = -33, Directory full

dskFulErr = -34, disk full

nsvErr = -35, no such volume

ioErr = -36, I/O error (bummers)

bdNamErr = -37, there may be no bad names in the final system!

fnOpnErr = -38, File not open

eofErr = -39, End of file

posErr = -40, tried to position to before start of file (r/w)

mFulErr = -41, memory full (open) or file won't fit (load)

tmfoErr = -42, too many files open

fnfErr = -43, File not found

wPrErr = -44, diskette is write protected.

fLckdErr = -45 file is locked

vLckdErr = -46, volume is locked

fBsyErr = -47, File is busy (delete)

dupFNErr = -48, duplicate filename (rename)

opWrErr = -49, file already open with with write permission

rfNumErr = -51, refnum error

gfpErr = -52, get file position error

volOffLinErr = -53, volume not on line error (was Ejected)

permErr = -54, permissions error (on file open)

volOnLinErr = -55, drive volume already on-line at MountVol

nsDrvErr = -56, no such drive (tried to mount a bad drive num)

noMacDskErr = -57, not a mac diskette (sig bytes are wrong)

extFSErr = -58, volume in question belongs to an external fs

fsRnErr = -59, file system internal error:during rename the old entry was deleted but could not be restored.

badMDBErr = -60, bad master directory block

wrPermErr = -61, write permissions error

dirNFErr = -120, Directory not found

tmwdoErr = -121, No free WDCB available

badMovErr = -122, Move into offspring error

wrgVolTypErr = -123, Wrong volume type error [operation not supported for MFS]

volGoneErr = -124 Server volume has been disconnected.