General Info

The drag and drop assistant is a feature designed to maximize work flow by applying the Windows drag and drop features to AutoPlay's design environment.

Note: Some of the drag and drop behaviour described below can be modified in the Drag and Drop Preferences.

Replace an Object’s Media File

This is a quick way to replace the file that is displayed in an object without affecting its other settings. For example, you can replace the image in an image object, or the video in a video object. To do this, drag and drop the media file onto the object while holding the Shift key.

Note: If you drag a file that is not supported by the object, nothing will happen.

Replace a Paragraph Object’s Text

This is a convenient way to replace a paragraph object’s text without affecting its other settings. To do this, drag and drop the text file onto the paragraph object while holding the Shift key.

Replace a RichText Object’s Text

This is a convenient way to replace a richtext object’s text without affecting its other settings. To do this, drag and drop the *.rtf file onto the richtext object while holding the Shift key.

Replace a ListBox Object’s Entries

This is a nice way to replace a listbox object's entries without affecting its other settings. Create a text file where each line represents one listbox entry. You can then drag and drop the text file onto the listbox object while holding the Shift key.

Add an Audio.Load Action

This is a quick way to load an audio file when an object is clicked in your project at runtime. If you drag and drop and audio file onto an object, a Yes/No dialog will appear. If you click Yes, an Audio.Load(CHANNEL_NARRATION, "Filename", true, false) action will be added to the object's On Click event.

Note: If the object does not have an On Click event, nothing will happen.

Add a Background Audio Track

An easy way to add background audio tracks to your project is to drag and drop an audio file onto the project work area. When you drop the file, a Yes/No dialog will appear. If you click Yes, the file will be added to the end of the Background Music list.

Add a File.Open Action

This is a handy way to create a File.Open action on an object's On Click event, without manually creating it. If you drag and drop a file onto an object, you will be presented with a Yes/No dialog. If you click Yes, a File.Open action will automatically be added to the object's On Click event.

Note: If the object does not have an On Click event, nothing will happen.

Add a Page.Jump Action

This is an easy way to create a Page.Jump action on an object without using the script editor. If you drag and drop a page from the Page Manager onto an object, a Yes/No dialog will appear.  If you click Yes, a Page.Jump action will be added to the On Click event of the object.

Note: If the object does not have an On Click event, nothing will happen.

Add a DialogEx.Show Action

This is an easy way to create a DialogEx.Show action on an object without using the script editor. If you drag and drop a dialog from the Dialog Manager onto an object, a Yes/No dialog will appear.  If you click Yes, a DialogEx.Show action will be added to the On Click event of the object.

Note: If the object does not have an On Click event, nothing will happen.

Add a Scriptlet

This is a quick way to add script from a .lua file to your project without pasting the code. To do this just drag and drop the file onto the script editor.

Use an Image as your Background

This is an easy way to add a background image. The Image Becomes Background setting in the Drop on Page/Dialog category of Edit > Preferences controls the behavior of an image that is dropped onto a page or dialog.  If the image is greater than a certain percentage (75% by default), AutoPlay will display a Yes/No dialog to determine if you want the image to become the page's or dialog's background. If you don't, it will be added as an image object.

Add an Object

This is an intuitive way to add an object to your project. If you drag and drop a media file onto your work area that is viewable through one of the available objects, it will automatically be created. For example, a *.btn file will create a button object, an *.HTML or *.htm file will create web object, a *.text or *.txt file will create a paragraph object, and an *.rtf file will create a richtext object.