
Right clicking on the rulers in AutoPlay Media Studio allows you to add a guideline using the Add Guideline dialog. As well, if you right click on a guideline marker on a ruler, you can choose Properties to open the Guideline Properties dialog. These two dialogs are identical, with the exception of their title bars.


The position in pixels from the top left corner of your page or dialog. This distance is either horizontal or vertical depending on which ruler the guideline originates from.

Project guideline

Enabling this option sets the guideline to be a project guideline. Project guidelines persist across all pages and dialogs in your project, while page or dialog guidelines apply only to the current page or dialog.


Enabling this option 'locks' the guideline to the page or dialog, preventing you from moving it around.

Note: Even if a guideline is locked, you can still adjust it by right-clicking on the guideline marker on the ruler and choosing properties. Locking a guideline simply prevents you from changing it by dragging.