
string Tree.InsertNode ( 

string ObjectName,

string NodeIndex,

table  NodeData )

Example 1

sInsertedIndex = Tree.InsertNode("Tree1", "2.1", tInsertNodeData);

Inserts a node with data "tInsertNodeData" into the tree object "Tree1" at node index "2.1".

Example 2

-- Initialize node data table
tblNodeData = {};
tblNodeData.Text = "IndigoRose";
tblNodeData.Data = "Makes Quality Software";
tblNodeData.Expanded = true;
tblNodeData.NodeIndex = "1.5.1";
tblNodeData.ImageIndex = 1;
tblNodeData.SelectedImageIndex = 2;

-- Insert the node
Tree.InsertNode("Tree1", "1.5.1",tblNodeData);

Inserts a node into the "Tree1" tree object at index "1.5.1" consisting of the data found in table tblNodeData.

Example 3

sInsertedIndex = Tree.InsertNode("MyTree", "1", {Text="test",Data="test",Checked=true});

Inserts a node with the data as an inline table into the tree object "MyTree" at node index "1".

See also:  Related Actions