
table Tree.GetProperties ( 

string ObjectName )

Example 1

tTreeProperties = Tree.GetProperties("Tree1");

Gets the properties of the "Tree1" tree object and stores them in table "tTreeProperties".

Example 2

tProps = Tree.GetProperties("CanYouSeeMe");

if tProps.Visible and tProps.Enabled then
  -- The tree object is both enabled and visible
  -- The tree object is either not visible, not enabled, or both
  tProps.Visible = true;
  tProps.Enabled = true;
  -- Apply the new properties to the tree object.
  Tree.SetProperties("CanYouSeeMe", tProps);


Checks the properties of the "CanYouSeeMe" tree object to see if it is enabled and visible. If it is not both enabled and visible, it is made to be both enabled and visible.

See also:  Related Actions