
string String.Replace ( 

string  SearchString,

string  Pattern,

string  ReplaceString,

boolean CaseSensitive = false )

Example 1

replaced_string = String.Replace("My red balloon matches my red hat.", "red", "blue", false);

Searches the source string "My red balloon matches my red hat." for the sub-string "red" and replaces it with the new sub-string "blue". The new string "My blue balloon matches my blue hat." will be returned in the variable "replaced_string."

Example 2

replaced_string = String.Replace("My Red balloon matches my red hat.", "Red", "blue", true);

Performs a case-sensitive search on the source string "My red balloon matches my red hat." for the sub-string "Red" and replaces it with the new sub-string "blue". The new string "My blue balloon matches my red hat." will be returned in the variable "replaced_string." You will notice that the second occurrence of the string "red" was not replaced due to the difference in character case.

Example 3

-- Read the contents of a text file into a string.
contents = TextFile.ReadToString("C:\\MyFile.txt");

-- Check the error code of the last example.
error = Application.GetLastError();
-- If an error occurred, display the error message.
if (error ~= 0) then
    Dialog.Message("Error", _tblErrorMessages[error], MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
    -- Replace every occurrence of the string "Robert" with the string "Adam".
    new_contents = String.Replace(contents, "Robert", "Adam", true);

    -- Write out the modified contents of the text file.
    TextFile.WriteFromString("C:\\MyFile.txt", new_contents, false);

    -- Check the error code of the last example.
    error = Application.GetLastError();
    -- If an error occurred, display the error message.
    if (error ~= 0) then
        Dialog.Message("Error", _tblErrorMessages[error], MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);

Reads the contents of the file "MyFile.txt" and stores the string in the variable "contents." Every occurrence of the string "Robert" in "contents" is replaced with the string "Adam" and then written back to the text file "MyFile.txt".

See also:  Related Actions