
Shell.CreateShortcut ( 

string Folder,

string Description,

string Target,

string CmdLine = "",

string WorkingFolder = "",

string IconPath = "",

number IconIndex = 0,

number WindowMode = SW_SHOWNORMAL,

table  HotKey = nil,

string Comment = "",

number StartPinOption = START_OPTION_DEFAULT )

Example 1

Shell.CreateShortcut(_DesktopFolder, "My Shortcut", "C:\\Program Files\\MyApp\\app.exe", "", "", "C:\\Program Files\\MyApp\\myicon.ico", 0, SW_MAXIMIZE, nil);

Creates a shortcut on the user's Desktop with the "myicon.ico" file icon and the label "My Shortcut." The shortcut is set to point to the file "app.exe" and will launch it in "maximized" mode.

Note: _DesktopFolder is a built-in variable that contains the path to the user's "Desktop" folder.

Example 2

Shell.CreateShortcut(_DesktopFolder, "My Shortcut", "C:\\Program Files\\MyApp\\app.exe", "", "", "C:\\Program Files\\MyApp\\myicon.ico", 0, SW_MAXIMIZE, {shift=true,ctrl=true,keycode=72});

Creates a shortcut on the user's Desktop with the "myicon.ico" file icon and the label "My Shortcut." The shortcut is set to point to the file "app.exe" and will launch it in "maximized" mode. A hotkey is also assigned to the shortcut so that when you hold down the shift key, the alt key and press the "h" key (Virtual Key Code 72) the application pointed to by the shortcut will be launched.

Note: _DesktopFolder is a built-in variable that contains the path to the user's "Desktop" folder.

See also:  Related Actions