
table RichText.FindText ( 

string  ObjectName,

string  SearchFor,

number  Start = 1,

number  End = -1,

boolean CaseSensitive = false,

boolean WholeWord = false )

Example 1

-- Search for the text "apple".
tbSearchResult = RichText.FindText("RichText1", "apple", 1, -1, false, false);

if (tbSearchResult) then
    strMessage = "Apple was found starting at position "..tbSearchResult.Start;
    strMessage = strMessage.." and ending at position "..tbSearchResult.End;
    Dialog.Message("Search Result", strMessage);
    Dialog.Message("Search Results", "Apple was not found in the search.");

Searches the entire text in the richtext object named "RichText1" for the text "apple" and shows the indexes where it was found in a dialog message. If it was not found, a notification message is also shown.

See also:  Related Actions